His name means “God heals”, so he is the angel of healing, but also of science and knowledge. He supports all healing, regeneration, rejuvenation and renewal on earth and throughout the universe. In many images, he is depicted with a vial filled with a healing balm. He awakens our healing powers and restores health through inner peace, love and self-acceptance.
He teaches you that healing must first come from within. This does not always mean “conventional” healing, but sometimes it means accepting the illness and following the path without sorrow or fear. When discouragement and sadness are put aside, evolution can take place and the body and mind can recover more quickly.
Raphael also teaches you flexibility, because a narrow and categorical view is often a very big obstacle in the healing process.
Traditionally, he is considered as the Patron Saint of pharmacists, doctors, hospitals but also of the sick…
It accompanies in difficult times and protects travellers, the sick and activates the healing process. It dispels despair and discouragement. It is recommended at all times when regeneration is needed and the life force must be energized and protects the energetic immune system.
The mental and astral bodies are purified, cleansed to invoke peace and relaxation and invites us to place our body and mind in the hands of the Divine. It awakens your inner power and heart intelligence and extends its healing power to all areas of your life… It strengthens your willpower and allows you to better see what is positive for your health.
Archangel Raphael has a great sense of humor and is a fun companion and guide on the path of life. Raphael’s energy is gentle, enveloping, healing, clarifying, cleansing, uplifting, renewing, like a balm. It is therefore conducive to regeneration and healing in a physical sense or between the nations.
In short, RAPHAEL revitalizes, awakens the healing power, protects health, renews and purifies the subtle bodies. It is the ideal companion to preserve strength and regeneration in states of physical, mental and psychic weakness.
Finally, it awakens your inner strength and maintains health in all areas of life. It supports therapists in finding the right healing keys.
RAPHAEL auric spray is indicated when :
Ø You are a therapist and want to work with celestial forces
Ø You lack hope and courage
Ø You wish to feel more the unity that reigns in the Universe
Ø You want to support the will to heal
Ø You want to dissolve obstructive attitudes and thought patterns
Ø You want to regenerate your body and mind
Ø You wish to accompany a person at the end of life
Ø You are in a weakened state
Ø You are ill
Raphael’s plants
“Healing requires us to stop struggling, but to enjoy life more and suffer it less.” Darina Stoyanova
Ajowan, Angelica, Moroccan Chamomile, Cinnamon, Carrot, Atlas Cedar, Cumin, Turmeric, Holy Basil: awaken the life force and strengthen the survival instinct. They anchor the spirit in the physical body.
Armoise ludoviciana, Ho wood, Gingergrass, Manuka, Mints, Marjoram, Myrtle of Morocco, Palmarosa, Rosemary, Tea Tree: purify, detoxify and cleanse the subtle and physical bodies. They create the necessary space for renewal.
Cistus, Copaiba, Eucalyptus globulus, Pink Berry, Black Pepper facilitate awareness and help to see more clearly the destructive mechanisms. They contribute to the coherence between body and mind.
Pink Bay, Cape May, Cistus, Pistachio Mastic, Kewra, Magnolia, Rosalina, Rose, Verbena: a balm for the heart, they dispel destructive beliefs. Protects the energetic and physical immune system. They help to regain control of the body and emotions.
Bergamot, Neroli, Lime, Black Spruce, Hemlock, Pectin Fir, Balsam Fir regenerate and expand the heart chakra, support love, compassion, regeneration and energetic and physical protection. They chase away darkness, oxygenate, invigorate the body and strengthen the self-healing mechanisms.
Raphael’s minerals
Ø Emerald: facilitates serenity and inner peace. It soothes, harmonizes and strengthens the immune system. It also has a purifying, detoxifying action and recover more after an illness.
Ø Unakite: allows to dissipate and dissolve the blockages linked to the past occulted at the unconscious level. It helps to relativize and to take distance. It strengthens the immune system.
Ø Fluorite: Stabilizing and detoxifying. Purifying important at the level of the aura and creates harmony. Restructuring, it dissipates any form of disorganization and creates coherence between body and mind.
To improve one’s therapeutic abilities, to be more aware of the real needs of one’s patients
Ø Spray both soles of the hands with the spray, then do an auric massage, that is, make movements as if you were massaging in the aura; in front, behind, on the sides, around the head.
Ø Place your hands in prayer position in front of your heart and stay in this position for a moment.
Ø Before treating your patient: Ask him to close his eyes and place your hands about 10 cm away above his heart with his eyes closed. Ask yourself what is the best treatment for your patient’s physical, psychological and mental health. Stay still for a moment and let the messages come without evaluating or judging.
Ø Then proceed with the treatment you feel is most appropriate.
Maintain health and connection with yourself
Ø Do an auric massage as directed every morning before going to work. Repeat this around noon and at the end of the day.
Meditation with the Archangel Raphael
Ø Get into a comfortable sitting posture
Ø Spray the soles of your hands with the spray and do an auric massage as described above.
Ø Place your hands in prayer in front of your heart and form a prayer with your words evoking Raphael’s energy.
For example:
Dear Archangel Raphael. Thank you for healing, thank you for my vibrant health. Thank you for enveloping my body with your powerful healing force. Thank you for awakening my vitality, my dynamism, my strength and for driving out all energy from my body and mind that blocks my evolution and my healing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then remain for 11 minutes in silence, with your consciousness placed in the heart. Imagine being enveloped by a green light.
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